History of the Art Center At Ambler
We strive to uphold our organizational mission by providing professional and inclusive access to art resources, education and community for intergenerational audiences throughout Montgomery County.
ACAA emerged from a dream of Oreland Art Center members and Linda Collins, the former director of Montco SAAC, to form a new art center. Linda secured over $300,000 in funding from the County through a County grant called CDBG at the bequest of Arthur Bruck, a former art instructor at the Ambler Senior Adult Activity Center (SAAC).
As a result of his generosity, CDBG funds from the county, and the interest of local artists, we were able to renovate the top floor of the Ambler SAAC building, which is now home to the Art Center at Ambler.
ACAA offers classes in Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Photography, Ceramics and more for adults and youth of all ages. Our teaching artists have a diverse range of expertise and absolutely love what they do.​